The Ivy and Bean Blog-A-Bration (Week 5)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Thank you for following the Ivy + Bean Blog-A-Bration. I hope the tour has inspired you to read or re-read the Ivy and Bean series. It is difficult not to laugh when you're reading Ivy and Bean's adventures.

I'm not up to speed on current shows airing on Disney, ABC Family, and Nickelodeon, so I called on my second graders to help me with this week's post. I asked them to imagine that young actors were auditioning for an upcoming Ivy and Bean movie. (I had to explain multiple times that a movie is not really in pre-production.)

Who should audition for the Ivy and Bean movie?

Who would you add to this list?

Chronicle has generously agreed to give away a paperback copy of Ivy and Bean: Bound to Be Bad and three sets of Ivy + Bean Mini Notes.

Rules for the Giveaway

1. The giveaway will run from September 12 to 11:59 PM on September 15.

2. You must be at least 13.

3. Please pay it forward.

A complete set of Ivy and Bean hardcover books signed by Annie Barrows
1 Ivy and Bean Paper Doll Play Set
1 Ivy and Bean Button Factory
1 Ivy and Bean READ Poster signed by Annie Barrows
Set of Ivy and Bean Silly Bandz (not pictured, but they are so cute!!)
Set of Ivy and Bean stickers