Mr. Colby Sharp is a children’s literature enthusiast. He connects his fourth graders with authors and members of his professional learning network. I invited him on Watch. Connect. Read. to discuss Linda Urban’s visit to his classroom.
I wrote seven sentence starters and asked Colby to complete each sentence using fewer than twenty words.
*We prepared for. Ms. Urban's visit by reading Hound Dog True, studying Linda's website, reading about her visit to Brook Forest, and decorating the classroom.
*Ms. Linda Urban is one of the nicest, most generous, and intelligent people I have ever met.
*My fourth graders learned more from Mattie Breen than any other character they read all year.
l recommend A Crooked Kind of Perfect to boys, girls, adults, former students, current students, and anyone else who I think would benefit from Zoe's story (EVERYONE).
*Hound Dog True is well written, as powerful, and as important as Because of Winn-Dixie.
*Twenty years from now my students and I will remember Linda's story about when she was bullied as a child, and how that story helped lead to Hound Dog True.
*Mr. Schu, you should have asked me about how Linda found out a boy in our class was a huge fan of one of Linda's writing fans. Linda took a letter that he had written to the author and delivered it to the author.
Borrow Linda Urban's books from your school or public library. Whenever possible, please support independent bookshops.