Thank You, Katherine and R.J.!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dear Katherine Applegate and R.J. Palacio, 

I will always associate 2012 with The One and Only Ivan and Wonder. Readers heavily discussed both books on numerous social networks, in my library, in book clubs around the world, in Mock Newbery circles, on Edmodo and Skype, and on the Nerdy Book Club's blog.  Whenever someone asks for a book recommendation, The One and Only Ivan and Wonder are the first titles that come to mind---I want everyone to read and discuss these thought-provoking masterpieces. 

Thank you for introducing me to Auggie and Ivan. I guarantee that in thirty years I'll still walk up to strangers in libraries and bookshops and say, "Have you read these fine, fine books? I promise they will stay with you for the rest of your life." 

On behalf of your faithful readers, thank you for writing the most memorable and life-changing books of 2012. 

Best regards,

John Schu 

The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate

The One and Only Ivan was one of the 2012 Global Read Aloud selections. 

Wonder by R.J. Palacio