The Newbery Challenge: The Whipping Boy

Friday, March 8, 2013
Colby Sharp, Travis Jonker, and I will see each other later today at the Michigan Reading Association Annual Conference. I'm looking forward to catching up and filming Newbery Challenge videos. Good times! 

Head on over to Colby's blog to find out what he thinks of The Whipping Boy

"But I don't plan my novels in advance. I've tried that, I find that I can't do that very well and that my best procedure is just to get a beginning with a few characters that give me some hope of conflict or story, just start and then improvise, as we improvise our daily lives. And I improvise the story day-by-day, never knowing the ending." -Sid Fleischman

"Eat before you come." (to the Newbery-Caldecott Banquet) -Sid Fleischman 

The Whipping Boy in ninety seconds. 

Travis Jonker  designed the cover on the right.