Ivy + Bean Blog-a-Bration (Week 1)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Over the next eight Wednesdays, I will feature a different book in the Ivy + Bean series. Why? Because I'm participating in the Countdown to the 1st Annual INTERNATIONAL Ivy + Bean Day Blog-A-Bration. I regularly recommend this lively series to my book-loving students and celebrate Ivy and Bean Day every year.

Let's get the Ivy + Bean Blog-a-Bration started! First up is Ivy and Bean (Book 1).

Let's pretend you're eager to look inside my lesson plan book. (I don't keep a physical book. I created a Google document for each quarter.) Here's the entry for Second Grade, Week 3:

1. I will ask eighteen eager second graders to share some of their favorite characters and series. (We studied characters and series in first grade.)

2. I'll share five reasons why Ivy + Bean is one of my favorite chapter-book series.

a. Ivy and Bean make me laugh out loud.

b. Ivy and I have something in common. We are both bibliovores.

c. I think you may see yourself in Ivy and Bean. They often find themselves in everyday situations.

d. Sophie Blacktall's illustrations bring Ivy and Bean's world to life.

e. Bean learns a valuable lesson: Don't judge someone before you get to know them.

3. We will watch the following video:

4. After a handful of students respond to the book trailer, I will read aloud the first chapter.

5. This step can be tricky. I'll ask, "Who is interested in checking out Ivy and Bean?" Many hands will go up. I will randomly select two students to check it out today and encourage the other enthusiastic readers to place it on hold.

6. I will show them where the Ivy + Bean books live.

AASL Learning Standard:

4.1 Read, view, and listen for pleasure and personal growth.

Chronicle has generously agreed to give away a paperback copy of Ivy + Bean (Book 1) and 3 (YES, 3) sets of Ivy + Bean Mini Notes.

Rules for the Giveaway

1. The giveaway will run from August 15 to 11:59 PM on August 18.

2. You must be at least 13.

3. Please pay it forward.

Coquette Maman
In the Pages

Kid Lit Frenzy

Media Darlings

One Page to the Next

Roundtable Reviews for Kids

Ruth Ayres Writes


The Children’s Book Review

The Family That Reads Together

The O.W.L.

There’s A Book

Van Meter Library Voice

Watch. Connect. Read.

The winner of Ivy + Bean (Book 1) will be entered into a drawing to win this AMAZING package:

A complete set of Ivy and Bean hardcover books signed by Annie Barrows
Ivy and Bean Paper Doll Play Set
Ivy and Bean Button Factory
1 Ivy and Bean READ Poster signed by Annie Barrows
Set of Ivy and Bean Silly Bandz (not pictured, but they are so cute!!)
Set of Ivy and Bean stickers